Saturday, April 9, 2016

Spending Time with God

Life can get away from you so quickly. Before you have even realized what has happened you look over something you started and see that it has been two years since there was any activity. Prayerfully, I will be changing all that and begin to visit this blog page on a regular basis.

I have recently discovered bible art journals. I wasn't sure what to make of this form of worship at first especially since I have started to reconnect with God on a personal level. I know that God has shown me the talented side of my nature but sometimes having any talent can be intimidating simply because one is unsure of what all to do with it. I personally have been feeling intimidated by what is in my head and not being able to either create on paper or write it out the way I would like.

A very difficult place to be in to say the least. In this particular picture, I just went with the flow. God wants me to trust Him at all times and that includes asking Him for help with my creative side. Ha, how easy is that? Not very easy at all. In fact, it is a major challenge due to the fact I like being in control.

Thinking one is in control and knowing the reality can be a hard hitting truth that no one wants to face. I am doing a topical bible study on Trusting God and the first reading was Psalm 20: 1-9. This scripture has David offering encouragement as well as offering a petition to God. He first states may the Lord answer you in your time of need but later in the Psalm David says he knows the Lord saves His anointed. How awesome is that?

It helps to send out an encouraging word to others ad remind them to whom they belong. I would definitely say that my prayer would be that God answers your prayers and that God is there for you in the time of trouble.

I looking forward to getting back into the swing of things by doing more crafty things along side of my bible journal experience. Have a wonderful and blessed night or day.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

No more YouTube

Sitting here tonight thinking to myself I need to stay off of YouTube. I find more things I want to do than a little bit. YouTube is major trouble for me but I learn so many new and wonderful things.

For instance, I have gotten into mixed media and art journaling. Well I learned how to make my own art journal from a cereal box and paper. I love it. I still have some work to do on it so the outside looks good but I now have a journal to create in. Maybe even put together some ideas for some of my other crafting.

It is by no means perfect especially since it was my first one. Just the thought of being able to just freely work on something makes me smile.

Here are a couple of photos of the journal. I will also post photos as I work in my journal.

Oh I almost forgot. Here is a photo of a new stamp I received along with a page I created for another one of my art journals. I am still unsure of where I am going to put the stamps I colored but this will give you an idea of how much I love this.

Well until next time, happy crafting.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Decorative Tape

   Well I learned something new to help with my crafting projects. I learned how to make decorative tape using 3M Micropore paper tape, my stamps, and acrylic paint. I had lots of fun and I am looking forward to making some more. I watched quite a  few videos on YouTube but the one I liked the most was by The Artistic Pagan.
    I am still a bit scared about making my first card but I have done a few other things like creating an art journal and just having fun playing around with different mediums. I must say I don't think too hard about anything I do I just create and that makes it relaxing and fun.
    I am hoping to put together a video soon of what I have put together. I don't think I will be doing any tutorials. I will simply leave that for the individuals better qualified to handle that but having a slide show showcasing all that I have done and what types of crafts I am involved in would be something that I would love to share.

    Here are some of the things I have worked on recently.

    I also used a few stencils I had on hand. I love the one with music stamp. It just looks wonderful. I love my other ones as well but since music tends to speak to the soul this one speaks to me. LOL.

    This next one is honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month. Yes October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month but I think we forget about domestic violence and I wanted to do something to remember it.

I used a straw to roll them onto so when I am ready to use I will have them handy. This tip also came from The Artistic Pagan. I thought it was pretty cool and I always have straws around. The last photo is what I created for my art journal using some fabric in honor of breast cancer awareness. 

I just love being creative and can't wait to see what else I can come up with next. Of course I am being told I need to open up a shop or go to craft shows. I don't think I am ready for that but who knows what will happen.

Until next time, Happy Crafting